on March 27, 2020
Catholic University of South Sudan FOLLOW
Dr. John Garang Memorial University of Science and Technology, Bor FOLLOW
Rumbek University of Science and Technology FOLLOW
University of Bahr El-Ghazal, Wau FOLLOW
University of Northern Bahr El-Ghazal, Aweil FOLLOW
Upper Nile University, Malakal FOLLOW
Akobo Heritage and Memorial University, Akobo FOLLOW
Brilliant Vision Institute, Juba and Bentiu FOLLOW
Akobo Health Science Institute University, Akobo FOLLOW
African Institute for Health & Social Science, Bentiu FOLLOW
Bright National College – Juba, Wau and Bentiu Unity State FOLLOW
Bentiu Heritage & Memorial University, planned to be based in Bentiu FOLLOW
The Catholic University of South Sudan FOLLOW
Mikese University College Yambio South Sudan Founded 2008 Started as internet cape FOLLOW
Ebony University, based in Greater Bahr-el-Ghazal, Wau FOLLOW
South Sudan Christian University Juba FOLLOW
WOI University, P.O.BOX 245 Juba FOLLOW
St. Mary's University in Juba FOLLOW
Yei Agricultural and Mechanical University, Yei FOLLOW
Star international university Juba south Sudan FOLLOW
Starford International University College FOLLOW
Remedial University College, Juba FOLLOW
Kampala University South Sudan Center FOLLOW
University of Faith, Center FOLLOW
Islamic University of South Sudan FOLLOW
Equatoria International University, Eastern Equatoria State- Torit FOLLOW
Attasons University College, Eastern Equatoria State-Torit FOLLOW
Rain Computer College, Eastern Equatoria State-Torit FOLLOW
South University of Medicine, Science and Technology, Juba FOLLOW
Mikese University College, Yambio FOLLOW
Posted in: Education
universities in south sudan
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