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on March 26, 2020
Africa University for Human and Applied Science Tripoli City FOLLOW
Al Asmarya University of Islamic Sciences FOLLOW
Al Zawiya University (Seventh of April University) FOLLOW
Benghazi Private University FOLLOW
College of Computer Techniques Tripoli FOLLOW
College of Computer Technology Zawiya FOLLOW
College of Electrical and Electronic Technology Benghazi FOLLOW
College of Electronic Technology Tripoli FOLLOW
College of Electronic Technology-Bani Walid FOLLOW
College of Industrial Technology Masrath FOLLOW
Libyan Institute for Advanced Studies FOLLOW
Libyan International Medical University FOLLOW
Misurata University (Misrata University) FOLLOW
Modern Benghazi University FOLLOW
Omar Al Mukhtar University FOLLOW
Petroleum Training and Qualifying Institute FOLLOW
Sebha University /Sabha University FOLLOW
Sirte University (Al Tahadi University) FOLLOW
The Islamic University of Asaied Mohamed Bin Ali Al Sanussi FOLLOW
University of Benghazi (University of Garyounis) FOLLOW
University of Tripoli (Al Fateh University) FOLLOW
University of Tripoli Alahlia for Humanities and Applied Sciences FOLLOW
Posted in: Education
universities in libya
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