by on March 2, 2020


American University in Bosnia and Herzegovina                                        FOLLOW

Banja Luka College                                                                                      FOLLOW

Banja Luka College of Communications Kapa Fi                                        FOLLOW

College of Computer Science and Business Communications eMPIRICA FOLLOW

College of Informatics and Management Janjos Prijedor                            FOLLOW

European University Brčko                                                                          FOLLOW

Faculty of Cosmetology and Esthetic                                                          FOLLOW

Herzegovina University                                                                                FOLLOW

High College for Applied and Law Sciences PROMETEJ                         FOLLOW

High College for Business Management PRIMUS                                      FOLLOW

High Medical School Prijedor                                                                      FOLLOW

Higher School Logos Centar Mostar                                                            FOLLOW

Higher School of Hotel Management and Tourism Trebinje                       FOLLOW

International BURCH University Sarajevo                                                 FOLLOW

International University of Gorazde                                                            FOLLOW

International University of Sarajevo                                                            FOLLOW

International University of Travnik                                                              FOLLOW

ITC Interlogos Center Kiseljak                                                                    FOLLOW

ITEP Higher School                                                                                     FOLLOW

Nezavisni University Banja Luka                                                                 FOLLOW

PI Veterinary Research Institute                                                                  FOLLOW

Sarajevo Film Academy                                                                               FOLLOW

Sarajevo School of Science & Technology                                                  FOLLOW

Slobomir P University                                                                                  FOLLOW

University College CEPS Center for Business Studies Kiseljak                 FOLLOW

University Dzemal Bijedic Mostar                                                               FOLLOW

University Dzemal Bijedic Mostar Faculty of Economics                           FOLLOW

University Dzemal Bijedic                                                                           FOLLOW

University of Banja Luka                                                                             FOLLOW

University of Bihać                                                                                      FOLLOW

University of Bijeljina                                                                                  FOLLOW

University of Business Studies Banja Luka                                                 FOLLOW

University of East Sarajevo                                                                          FOLLOW

University of Modern Sciences CKM                                                          FOLLOW

University of Mostar                                                                                    FOLLOW

University of Sarajevo                                                                                  FOLLOW

University of Travnik                                                                                   FOLLOW

University of Travnik Faculty of Business Economics                                FOLLOW

University of Tuzla                                                                                       FOLLOW

University of Zenica                                                                                     FOLLOW

University Sinergija                                                                                      FOLLOW

University Vitez in Travnik                                                                          FOLLOW

Posted in: Education
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