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on February 28, 2020
Alexander Humboldt University FOLLOW
Alonso de Ojeda University FOLLOW
Andrés Bello Catholic University FOLLOW
Arturo Michelena University FOLLOW
Bolivar university of Venezuela FOLLOW
Caracas Metropolitan University FOLLOW
Catholic University of the Táchira FOLLOW
Cecilio Acosta Catholic University FOLLOW
Central University Lysander Alvarado FOLLOW
Central University of Venezuela FOLLOW
Dr José Gregorio Hernández University FOLLOW
Dr Rafael Belloso Chacín University FOLLOW
Federico Rivero Palacio University Institute of Technology FOLLOW
Francisco de Miranda National Experimental University FOLLOW
Institute of Higher Studies of Management FOLLOW
Instituto Universitario Jesús Obrero Barquimeseto FOLLOW
José Antonio Páez University FOLLOW
José María Vargas University FOLLOW
La Salle Foundation Natural Sciences FOLLOW
Lara Andres Eloy Blanco Territorial Polytechnic University FOLLOW
Liberator Experimental Pedagogical University FOLLOW
Maracaibo University Institute of Technology FOLLOW
Momboy Valley University FOLLOW
National Experimental Maritime University of the Caribbean FOLLOW
National Experimental Southern University of Lake Jesus Maria Semprum FOLLOW
National Experimental University of Guiana FOLLOW
National Experimental University of the Táchira FOLLOW
National Experimental University of the Western Plains Ezequiel Zamora FOLLOW
National Open University FOLLOW
National Polytechnic Experimental University FOLLOW
Pan American University of The Port FOLLOW
Rafael María Baralt National Experimental University FOLLOW
Rafael Urdaneta University FOLLOW
Rómulo Gallegos University FOLLOW
Santa Rosa Catholic University FOLLOW
Santiago Mariño University Institute Extension Caracas FOLLOW
Simón Bolívar Venezuela University FOLLOW
Simón Rodríguez National Experimental University FOLLOW
Territorial Polytechnic University of Merida Kleber Ramirez FOLLOW
Territorial Polytechnic University of Trujillo Mario Briceño Iragorry State FOLLOW
UNITEC Center University of Technology FOLLOW
Universidad Deportiva del Sur (Iberoamerican sports) FOLLOW
Universidad Santa María Venezuela FOLLOW
University Institute of Agro-Industrial Technology FOLLOW
University Institute of Computer Technology FOLLOW
University Institute of Industerial Technology Rodolfo Loero Arsimendi FOLLOW
University Institute of Industrial Technology FOLLOW
University Institute of Management and Technology FOLLOW
University Institute of New Professions FOLLOW
University Institute of the Frontier IUFRONT FOLLOW
University of the Andes Mérida FOLLOW
University of the Armed Forces FOLLOW
Posted in: Education
universities in venezuela
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