by on August 29, 2020

Practical Application of Barometer

  1. Barometer is used to measure Altitude. The Altimeter of an Aeroplane is an Aneroid barometer with the scale marked directly in height units which is also converted to digital with Analog to digital converter.
  2. Barometer is used to forecast weather conditions.  Meteorologists used barometer to forecast whether . This is being used due to variation in density of Air. Moist air is less dense than dry air and is about 5/8 as dense as dry air. Therefore moist air exerts less pressure and in moist weather the barometer falls. This gives meteorologist a way of predicting immediate weather.

Units of Atmospheric Pressure

  1.  mmHg. The average pressure of the atmosphere has been shown to be 760mmHg
  2. Pascal   Pa.  the 760mmHg can be converted to Pa with A.p = hρg . This is approximately equal to 100000Pa. This pressure of 100000Pa is called one bar in meteorology . while 1millibar =100Pa
  3. Bar .    1bar =100000Pa


At a certain height in an Aeroplane the fortin barometer read 800mmHg.  What is the value of this pressure in Bar (take density of mercury =  and g=



A.p=hρg =


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