by on February 14, 2020

List of Universities in Algeria

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20 August 1955 University of Skikda                                                                    FOLLOW

8 May 1945 University of Guelma                                                                          FOLLOW

Abdelhamid Ibn Badis Mostaganem University                                                     FOLLOW

Abu Bekr Belkaid Tlemcen University                                                                   FOLLOW

Ahmed Draia University of Adrar                                                                          FOLLOW

Algeria National School of Administration                                                            FOLLOW

Algerian Higher School of Business                                                                       FOLLOW

Algiers Higher School of Business                                                                          FOLLOW

Algiers Higher School of Food Sciences and Agri-Food Industries                      FOLLOW

Algiers School of Business Studies                                                                         FOLLOW

Amar Telidji University of Laghouat                                                                      FOLLOW

Annaba Higher School of Management Sciences                                                   FOLLOW

Architecture and Urban Design Polytechnic National School                                FOLLOW

Badji Mokhtar University of Annaba                                                                     FOLLOW

Badji Mokhtar University of Annaba                                                                     FOLLOW

Bank Higher School                                                                                                FOLLOW

Batna University                                                                                                     FOLLOW

Batna University 2                                                                                                  FOLLOW

Bechar University                                                                                                    FOLLOW

Bechar University                                                                                                    FOLLOW

Bejaia University                                                                                                     FOLLOW

Blida 2 University                                                                                                   FOLLOW

Blida National Higher School of Hydraulics                                                          FOLLOW

Bouira University                                                                                                    FOLLOW

Constantine Higher Normal School                                                                        FOLLOW

Constantine National Higher School of Biotechnology                                          FOLLOW

Constantine National Polytechnic School                                                               FOLLOW

Constantine University 2                                                                                         FOLLOW

Constantine University 3                                                                                         FOLLOW

Djillali Liabes university of Sidi Bel Abbes                                                            FOLLOW

Dr Yahia Farès University of Medea                                                                      FOLLOW

El Tarf University (El Tarf University Center)                                                       FOLLOW

Eloued University                                                                                                   FOLLOW

El-Oued University                                                                                                 FOLLOW

Emir Abdelkader University of Islamic Sciences                                                   FOLLOW

Emir Abdelkader University of Islamic Sciences                                                   FOLLOW

ESGEN                                                                                                                   FOLLOW

Ghardaia University                                                                                                FOLLOW

Hassiba Benbouali University of Chlef                                                                   FOLLOW

Higher Institute of Gescion and Planning                                                               FOLLOW

Higher National Agronomic School                                                                        FOLLOW

Higher Normal School in HumanIties and Humanities Bouzareah                         FOLLOW

Higher School of Applied Sciences in Algiers                                                        FOLLOW

Higher School of the Magistrates                                                                            FOLLOW

Houari Boumediene University of Science and Technology                                  FOLLOW

Ibn Khaldoun Tiaret University                                                                              FOLLOW

Jijel University                                                                                                         FOLLOW

Kasdi Merbah Ouargla University                                                                          FOLLOW

Khemis Miliana University                                                                                      FOLLOW

Khenchela University                                                                                              FOLLOW

Kouba Higher Normal School                                                                                 FOLLOW

Larbi Ben Mhidi University of Oum El Bouaghi                                                    FOLLOW

Lounici Ali University of Blida 2                                                                           FOLLOW

Maghreb Institute of Customs and Fiscal Economics (Tunisian Algero Institute) FOLLOW

Mascara University                                                                                                  FOLLOW

M'Hamed Bougara University of Boumerdes                                                         FOLLOW

Mila University Centre                                                                                            FOLLOW

Mohamed Chérif Messaadia University of Souk-Ahras                                         FOLLOW

Mohamed El Bachir El Ibrahim Bordj Bou Arréridj University                             FOLLOW

Mohamed Khider Biskra University                                                                       FOLLOW

Mostaganem Higher Normal School                                                                       FOLLOW

Mouloud Mammeri University of Tizi Ouzou                                                         FOLLOW

M'Sila University                                                                                                     FOLLOW

Naama University Center                                                                                        FOLLOW

National Agricultural Higher School                                                                       FOLLOW

National Higher School in Statistics and Applied Economics                                FOLLOW

National Higher School of Computer Science (formerly INI)                                FOLLOW

National Higher School of Journalism and Information Sciences of Algiers         FOLLOW

National Higher School of Management                                                                 FOLLOW

National Higher School of Marine Science and Coastal Planning                          FOLLOW

National Higher School of Mines and Metallurgy                                                  FOLLOW

National Higher School of Political Science                                                           FOLLOW

National Higher School of Technology                                                                   FOLLOW

National Higher Veterinary School of Algiers                                                        FOLLOW

National Polytechnic School                                                                                   FOLLOW

National Polytechnic School of Algiers                                                                  FOLLOW

National School in Computer Science                                                                     FOLLOW

National School of Hydraulic Engineering, Blida                                                  FOLLOW

National School of Journalism and Information Sciences                                      FOLLOW

National School of Management                                                                             FOLLOW

National School of Political Sciences                                                                      FOLLOW

National School of Public Administration                                                              FOLLOW

National School of Public Works                                                                            FOLLOW

National School of Public Works                                                                            FOLLOW

National School of Statistics and Applied Economics                                           FOLLOW

National School of Technology                                                                               FOLLOW

National Veterinary School of Algiers                                                                    FOLLOW

Nour Bachir El Bayadh University Centre                                                             FOLLOW

Oran Higher Normal School                                                                                    FOLLOW

Oran Higher School of Biological Sciences                                                            FOLLOW

Oran Higher School of Economics                                                                          FOLLOW

Oran Higher School of Electrical and Energy Engineering                                    FOLLOW

Oran Mohamed Boudiaf University of Science and Technology                           FOLLOW

Oran National Polytechnic School                                                                          FOLLOW

Oran University 1 Ahmed Ben Bella                                                                      FOLLOW

Oran University 2 Mohamed Ben Ahmed                                                              FOLLOW

Polytechnic Military School                                                                                    FOLLOW

Polytechnic School of Architecture and Urbanism                                                 FOLLOW

Relizane University Centre                                                                                     FOLLOW

School of Higher Business Studies                                                                         FOLLOW

School of Magistracy                                                                                              FOLLOW

Setif Higher Normal School                                                                                    FOLLOW

Setif University 1 Ferhat Abbas Setif                                                                     FOLLOW

Setif University 2                                                                                                    FOLLOW

Sidi Bel Abbes Graduate School of Computer Science                                          FOLLOW

Skikda Higher Normal School of Technological Education                                   FOLLOW

Skikda University                                                                                                    FOLLOW

Tamanrasset University Centre                                                                               FOLLOW

Tebessa University                                                                                                  FOLLOW

Tipaza University Centre                                                                                         FOLLOW

Tissemsilt University Centre                                                                                   FOLLOW

Tlemcen Higher School of Applied Sciences                                                          FOLLOW

Tlemcen Higher School of Management                                                                 FOLLOW

Univerisity of Tizi-Ouzou                                                                                       FOLLOW

Université Saad Dahlab Blida                                                                                 FOLLOW

Université Taher Moulay de Saida                                                                          FOLLOW

University 08 May 1945 Guelma                                                                            FOLLOW

University Centre of Ain Témouchent                                                                    FOLLOW

University of Adrar                                                                                                 FOLLOW

University of Algiers                                                                                               FOLLOW

University of Algiers 1                                                                                            FOLLOW

University of Algiers 2                                                                                            FOLLOW

University of Algiers 2                                                                                            FOLLOW

University of Algiers 3                                                                                            FOLLOW

University of Annaba                                                                                              FOLLOW

University of Batna                                                                                                 FOLLOW

University of Batna 2                                                                                              FOLLOW

University of Béjaïa                                                                                                FOLLOW

University of Biskra                                                                                                FOLLOW

University of Blida 1                                                                                               FOLLOW

University of Bordj Bou Arréridj                                                                            FOLLOW

University of Bouira                                                                                                FOLLOW

University of Boumerdés                                                                                        FOLLOW

University of Chlef                                                                                                 FOLLOW

University of Constantine                                                                                       FOLLOW

University of Constantine 2                                                                                    FOLLOW

University of Constantine 3                                                                                    FOLLOW

University of Continuing Education                                                                       FOLLOW

University of Djelfa                                                                                                FOLLOW

University of El-Tarf                                                                                               FOLLOW

University of Jijel                                                                                                    FOLLOW

University of Khemis Miliana                                                                                 FOLLOW

University of Khenchela                                                                                         FOLLOW

University of Laghouat                                                                                           FOLLOW

University of Mascara                                                                                             FOLLOW

University of Medea                                                                                               FOLLOW

University of Mostaganem                                                                                      FOLLOW

University of M'sila                                                                                                 FOLLOW

University of Oran                                                                                                  FOLLOW

University of Oran                                                                                                  FOLLOW

University of Oran 2                                                                                               FOLLOW

University of Ouargla                                                                                              FOLLOW

University of Oum El Bouaghi                                                                               FOLLOW

University of Saida                                                                                                 FOLLOW

University of Science and Technology of Oran                                                      FOLLOW

University of Sciences and Technology Houari Boumediene                                 FOLLOW

University of Sétif                                                                                                   FOLLOW

University of Sétif 2                                                                                                FOLLOW

University of Sidi-Bel-Abbès                                                                                  FOLLOW

University of Souk Ahras                                                                                        FOLLOW

University of Tébessa                                                                                              FOLLOW

University of the Brothers Mentouri Constantine 1 (Ex Mentouri University)      FOLLOW

University of Tiaret                                                                                                 FOLLOW

University of Tlemcen                                                                                             FOLLOW

Ziane Achour University of Djelfa                                                                         FOLLOW

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